şanssız doğanlar


şanssız doğanlar - Fotoğraf: Büşra Kölmük

Marka Nokia
Manufacturer of image input equipment
Model 6300
Model of image input equipment
Orientation 0
Orientation of image
XResolution 72
Image resolution in width direction
YResolution 72
Image resolution in height direction
ResolutionUnit 2
Unit of X and Y resolution
Software Picasa 3.0
Software used
YCbCrPositioning 1
Y and C positioning
ExifTag 162
Exif IFD Pointer
Exif Version
Meaning of each component
Supported Flashpix version
ColorSpace 65535
Color space information
PixelXDimension 600
Valid image width
PixelYDimension 800
Valid image height
ImageUniqueID f506b2eec768c06cfdbca51722266a31
Unique image ID
Compression 6
Compression scheme
XResolution 72
Image resolution in width direction
YResolution 72
Image resolution in height direction
ResolutionUnit 2
Unit of X and Y resolution
JPEGInterchangeFormat 380
Offset to JPEG SOI
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength 5891
Bytes of JPEG data
IptcByline Picasa 2.7