

soğukta.... - Fotoğraf: Ferıha Mustu

Manufacturer of image input equipment
Model GT-C3530
Model of image input equipment
Orientation 1
Orientation of image
XResolution 72
Image resolution in width direction
YResolution 72
Image resolution in height direction
ResolutionUnit 2
Unit of X and Y resolution
Software Microsoft Windows Live Photo Gallery14.0.8081.709
Software used
DateTime 2011:02:04 11:27:36
File change date and time
YCbCrPositioning 1
Y and C positioning
ExifTag 2322
Exif IFD Pointer
GPSTag 4710
GPSInfo IFD Pointer
ExposureTime 2,702703E-02
Exposure time
FNumber 2,6
F number
ExposureProgram 3
Exposure program
ISOSpeedRatings 50
ISO speed ratings
Exif Version
DateTimeOriginal 2011:01:31 16:18:38
Date and time original image was generated
DateTimeDigitized 2011:01:31 16:18:38
Date and time image was made digital data
Meaning of each component
MeteringMode 2
Metering mode
FocalLength 3,72
Lens focal length
Supported Flashpix version
PixelXDimension 1363
Valid image width
PixelYDimension 2009
Valid image height
InteroperabilityTag 4668
Interoperability IFD Pointer
WhiteBalance 0
White balance
SceneCaptureType 3
Scene capture type
ImageUniqueID 5B88CD210FAF4A20A24024550A1A9DF0
Unique image ID
ImageWidth 128
Image width
ImageLength 96
Image height
BitsPerSample 8
Number of bits per component
Compression 6
Compression scheme
PhotometricInterpretation 2
Pixel composition
SamplesPerPixel 3
Number of components
RowsPerStrip 96
Number of rows per strip
XResolution 96
Image resolution in width direction
YResolution 96
Image resolution in height direction
ResolutionUnit 2
Unit of X and Y resolution
JPEGInterchangeFormat 4890
Offset to JPEG SOI
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength 3393
Bytes of JPEG data