

bodrum - Fotoğraf: Selma Kotancı

ImageWidth 6378
Image width
ImageLength 3797
Image height
BitsPerSample 8
Number of bits per component
PhotometricInterpretation 2
Pixel composition
Orientation 1
Orientation of image
SamplesPerPixel 3
Number of components
XResolution 72
Image resolution in width direction
YResolution 72
Image resolution in height direction
ResolutionUnit 2
Unit of X and Y resolution
Software Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
Software used
DateTime 2013:09:16 13:51:40
File change date and time
Tag#18246 0
Tag#18249 0
ExifTag 2324
Exif IFD Pointer
Exif Version
DateTimeOriginal 2013:06:01 18:55:16
Date and time original image was generated
DateTimeDigitized 2013:06:01 18:55:16
Date and time image was made digital data
SubSecTimeOriginal 00
DateTimeOriginal subseconds
SubSecTimeDigitized 00
DateTimeDigitized subseconds
ColorSpace 65535
Color space information
PixelXDimension 6378
Valid image width
PixelYDimension 3797
Valid image height
Compression 6
Compression scheme
XResolution 72
Image resolution in width direction
YResolution 72
Image resolution in height direction
ResolutionUnit 2
Unit of X and Y resolution
JPEGInterchangeFormat 4674
Offset to JPEG SOI
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength 4232
Bytes of JPEG data
IptcDateCreated 20130601
IptcTimeCreated 185516+0000