Kırmızı - Fotoğraf: Deniz Bagce | |
ImageWidth | 4640 |
Image width | |
ImageLength | 2088 |
Image height | |
ResolutionUnit | 2 |
Unit of X and Y resolution | |
Marka | Xiaomi |
Manufacturer of image input equipment | |
Model | 2109119DG |
Model of image input equipment | |
DateTime | 2024:04:18 19:47:36 |
File change date and time | |
Orientation | 1 |
Orientation of image | |
YCbCrPositioning | 1 |
Y and C positioning | |
ExifTag | 244 |
Exif IFD Pointer | |
GPSTag | 5697 |
GPSInfo IFD Pointer | |
XResolution | 72 |
Image resolution in width direction | |
YResolution | 72 |
Image resolution in height direction | |
Tag#39424 | Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE |
Tag#39594 | ]5l_Çö’>¾[iA|Îw…óüQHÁËãÂ>F«6^É»9â˜,æL¢£î ‰ŠºşŒ"7Ѻî |
ISOSpeedRatings | 3007 |
ISO speed ratings | |
ExposureProgram | 2 |
Exposure program | |
Tag#42593 | 171 |
FNumber | 1,79 |
F number | |
ExposureTime | 5,882353E-02 |
Exposure time | |
Tag#34970 | |
Tag#39321 | {"mirror":false,"sensorType":"rear","Hdr":"off","OpMode":36864,"smallPicture":false,"AIScene":0,"filterId":66048,"zoomMultiple":1} |
Tag#34968 | 2 |
SensingMethod | 1 |
Sensing method | |
Tag#34965 | 0 |
Tag#34964 | 0 |
SubSecTimeDigitized | 201 |
DateTimeDigitized subseconds | |
Tag#34961 | 40 |
Tag#36881 | +03:00 |
SubSecTimeOriginal | 201 |
DateTimeOriginal subseconds | |
Tag#36880 | +03:00 |
SubSecTime | 201 |
DateTime subseconds | |
FocalLength | 4,695 |
Lens focal length | |
Flash | 16 |
Flash | |
Tag#34953 | megvii_portrait_google |
LightSource | 21 |
Light source | |
MeteringMode | 2 |
Metering mode | |
SceneCaptureType | 0 |
Scene capture type | |
InteroperabilityTag | 5667 |
Interoperability IFD Pointer | |
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm | 25 |
Focal length in 35 mm film | |
MaxApertureValue | 1,67 |
Maximum lens aperture | |
DateTimeDigitized | 2024:04:18 19:47:36 |
Date and time image was made digital data | |
ExposureBiasValue | 0 |
Exposure bias | |
PixelYDimension | 2088 |
Valid image height | |
WhiteBalance | 0 |
White balance | |
DateTimeOriginal | 2024:04:18 19:47:36 |
Date and time original image was generated | |
BrightnessValue | -4,12 |
Brightness | |
PixelXDimension | 4640 |
Valid image width | |
ExposureMode | 0 |
Exposure mode | |
ApertureValue | 1,67 |
Aperture | |
ComponentsConfiguration | |
Meaning of each component | |
ColorSpace | 1 |
Color space information | |
SceneType | |
Scene type | |
ShutterSpeedValue | 4,058 |
Shutter speed | |
ExifVersion | |
Exif Version | |
FlashpixVersion | |
Supported Flashpix version | |
Tag#39424 | Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE |
GPSLatitudeRef | N |
North or South Latitude | |
GPSLatitude | 37:58:1.04 |
Latitude | |
GPSLongitudeRef | E |
East or West Longitude | |
GPSLongitude | 32:27:29.99 |
Longitude | |
GPSAltitudeRef | |
Altitude reference | |
GPSAltitude | 1146,4 |
Altitude | |
GPSTimeStamp | 16:47:37 |
GPS time (atomic clock) | |
GPSProcessingMethod | |
Name of GPS processing method | |
GPSDateStamp | 2024:04:18 |
GPS date | |
JPEGInterchangeFormat | 6035 |
Offset to JPEG SOI | |
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength | 11477 |
Bytes of JPEG data | |
Compression | 6 |
Compression scheme | |
ResolutionUnit | 2 |
Unit of X and Y resolution | |
XResolution | 72 |
Image resolution in width direction | |
YResolution | 72 |
Image resolution in height direction | |
PixelYDimension | 144 |
Valid image height | |
PixelXDimension | 256 |
Valid image width | |
IptcImageURL | |