

.................. - Fotoğraf: ............... ...............

NewSubfileType 2
Subfile type
ImageWidth 2048
Image width
ImageLength 3072
Image height
BitsPerSample 8
Number of bits per component
Compression 1
Compression scheme
PhotometricInterpretation 2
Pixel composition
Tag#266 1
StripOffsets 375
Image data location
Orientation 0
Orientation of image
SamplesPerPixel 3
Number of components
RowsPerStrip 2048
Number of rows per strip
StripByteCounts 18874368
Bytes per compressed strip
XResolution 0
Image resolution in width direction
YResolution 0
Image resolution in height direction
PlanarConfiguration 1
Image data arrangement
ResolutionUnit 2
Unit of X and Y resolution
Tag#297 276
Software Picasa 3.0
Software used
DateTime Fri May 09 02:24:38 2008
File change date and time
Artist 1996-2001 AccuSoft Co., All rights reserved
Person who created the image
ExifTag 370
Exif IFD Pointer
ImageUniqueID e72abef8aa3c1bec72fccb7275bde9f0
Unique image ID
Compression 6
Compression scheme
XResolution 72
Image resolution in width direction
YResolution 72
Image resolution in height direction
ResolutionUnit 2
Unit of X and Y resolution
JPEGInterchangeFormat 516
Offset to JPEG SOI
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength 2638
Bytes of JPEG data
IptcImageURL http://galeri.netfotograf.com