KAR MANZARALARI - Fotoğraf: Muhsin İsmailoglu

Marka samsung
Manufacturer of image input equipment
Model GT-N7000
Model of image input equipment
Software Picasa
Software used
DateTime 2012:12:25 23:16:34
File change date and time
Artist Picasa
Person who created the image
ExifTag 178
Exif IFD Pointer
GPSTag 342
GPSInfo IFD Pointer
Tag#50708 samsung GT-N7000
Exif Version
DateTimeOriginal 2012:12:22 11:53:23
Date and time original image was generated
DateTimeDigitized 2012:12:22 11:53:23
Date and time image was made digital data
PixelXDimension 1024
Valid image width
PixelYDimension 603
Valid image height
InteroperabilityTag 468
Interoperability IFD Pointer
ImageUniqueID 246a1981df0e1c3bf6083ca6141e7aaa
Unique image ID
GPS tag version
GPSLatitudeRef N
North or South Latitude
GPSLatitude 41
GPSLongitudeRef E
East or West Longitude
GPSLongitude 28
Altitude reference
Compression 6
Compression scheme
XResolution 72
Image resolution in width direction
YResolution 72
Image resolution in height direction
ResolutionUnit 2
Unit of X and Y resolution
JPEGInterchangeFormat 604
Offset to JPEG SOI
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength 5772
Bytes of JPEG data
IptcByline Picasa